Footballer Defies Odds: Premier League Great Retires at 27 Despite Never Training, Says Doctors.

Former Tottenham star Ledley King had to retire at the age of 31 due to recurring injury problems. King, widely regarded as one of the Premier League’s best defenders, struggled with knee problems throughout his career. Despite no treatment or surgery being able to resolve the matter, King continued to play matches but hardly trained during the latter stages of his career in order to manage his knee issues.

The ex-Tottenham captain revealed that he started missing training due to knee problems at the age of 25 and underwent a major operation at 26, after which his knee never felt the same. For the next five years, he did minimal training, only focusing on managing the swelling in his knee to be available for matches. Even though doctors advised him to retire when he was 27, he continued to compete, with the pain impacting his ability to contribute to the team.

During this time, the swelling in his knee was so severe after games that he had to spend the week managing it in the gym’s swimming pool. Despite his efforts to continue playing, King eventually decided to retire after realizing that he was no longer able to help the team. Despite his knee issues, he made 20 appearances for England.

Ex-Spurs manager Harry Redknapp praised King for his dedication and the impact he had on the team, referring to him as a ‘superhuman’ for his defensive displays. The defender’s retirement decision was influenced by the advice of his surgeon and the realization that continuing to compete was causing immense damage to his knee. Although King’s knee is now okay, he has mentioned having issues with his hip as well.

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